Alle veje fører til Saalbach - det passer nu ikke rigtig, fordi der er kun en landevej der fører til byen; men man kan komme til Saalbach på mange måder.

Med fly til Salzburg:

Norwegian fra København, Oslo, Stockholm eller Bergen -

German Wings  fra København -

Fra Salzburg Lufthavn - Holiday Shuttle lige til døren

Med tog fra CPH, Odense of Kolding til Zell am See:


Deutsche Bahn -

Fra Zell am See til Saalbach i taxi ca. €60.00, eller med Postbus

The most popular way to reach Saalbach is by air to Salzburg, with many daily departures from London and weekend departures from regional airports - or a convenient Easyjet flight from Edinburgh to Munich

Location in Saalbach

Casa Alpina ligger bagved Brandstationen og BP-tanken, 100m efter Billa supermarked.

Casa Alpina is situated just behind the Fire Station and the BP service station. Turn into Florianiweg 100m after the Billa supermarket

Auto route

  Ruten er over Munchen, Siegsdorf, Lofer og Saalfelden - ingen Vignette

  All roads lead to Saalbach - well actually, there is only one road along the valley to Saalbach, but there are many ways of reaching the resort.

By car - follow the A8 autobahn to the south-east of Munich and turn off at the Siegsdorf exit (B305) then follow the road to Lofer and Saalfelden. This misses out the Austrian motorway and does not require a motorway-toll vignette.

Transport til Saalbach

Transport to Saalbach